Blogger Themes / Blogger Templates


Theme Information
Author Blogger Themes
Designer EZ WP Themes
Downloads 7260

14 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Nice template. Thank you.

  2. ani says:

    v nice N ilke it…

  3. Katya Guler says:

    My date space doesn’t work.Any help

  4. serena says:

    I love it!but search tool doesn’t work!!!

  5. Asker says:

    Change the Date Header Format as shown below

  6. hi…im new to blogger… how am i supposed to edit the words in the welcome column??

  7. Asker says:

    Go to
    Layout>Edit HTML>
    and search(ctrl+f) for the below line

    and below that code you can edit the text

  8. i am new blogger, i don’t know how to change and apply a new template at all…anyone can list the steps from start?

    what’s differences among blogger template, blogger background and blogger themes?

  9. call/sms/email says:

    huhuhu…so cuteeee

  10. kame-chan says:

    your theme is nice and refreshing. i commented to give you a credit since im using it too.. thank you very much! :) you did a wonderful… no OUTSTANDING job! :)

  11. ariqanita says:

    for blogspot or wordpress?

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