Blogger Themes / Blogger Templates


Gallery Blogger Template


Theme Information
Designer Blogger Themes
Downloads 24090

56 Responses

  1. djcustom says:

    esto es cool gracias para el creo la plantilla y tambien para

  2. max says:

    nice one asker, your are doing better and better.

  3. Asker says:

    thanks guys.
    more awesome theme are coming soon!

  4. Al Fakir says:

    I do really love this template… cool n silent… i finally find one fit my heart. thanx for ur kindness to share. Great job Asker

  5. Hi Asker.

    We designed the post part of the index to contain 9 posts. But in the latest posts when I check the site at Mozilla Firefox, I see that the youtube video I posted can be seen from the index.

    What may be the problem? I can send a screenshot if you want

  6. Asker says:

    Süheyl Ünver

    Pls send the screenshot URL and the URl of your blog to me.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hi Asker,

    Here’s the screenshot link:

    And here is the blog URL:

    Süheyl Ünver

    Hope the problem can be solved. Thanks,

  8. Asker says:

    @Süheyl Ünver
    delete the current post having video and make a new should fix it i think.or you can download the video blogger theme from here BloggerTube

  9. Vera says:

    I really love this template ,their is just one problem when you place more then one picture in a blog then you see the pictures underneath the frame

    does not look so nice

    please help me

    thank you very much

  10. Dennis says:

    hi asker, i think i have a problem with this nice blogger template. Take a look here
    1. My Logo
    2. My thumbs
    What you have saw?

  11. Asker says:

    Your blog theme is looking fine for me.

  12. Hi Asker,

    Anothr question: It says “updated” for the theme. I’m planning to download the updated version of this theme if you approve the updated version won’t have the problem of showing the latest post’s video in the main page.

    Could you confirm? Should I download and load the updated version? Please note that I may lose some of the html modifications i did in the blog.

  13. Asker says:

    @Süheyl Ünver
    just backup your template and try uploading the updated version.

  14. Anonymous says:

    thanks for update!

  15. Anonymous says:

    please include a search box :D

  16. saya says:

    hi, is there any possibility to change background from black to white?

  17. Asker says:

    Just click the link.It should help you
    Background customizations

  18. dasenk says:

    like this :D
    thanks a lot

  19. how can i add the date for the posts? it doesn’t appear.please help me!!!

  20. Asker says:

    added it!

  21. D says:

    if we use a long post title, the title look truncated, can you fix this or tell me how, thanks

  22. AXELdesigner says:

    In IE8 does not work navmenu.

  23. Asker says:

    this theme is designed for photoalbum like blogs and longer post tiles make it truncated.

  24. How can you activate the links on the Page Bar?

  25. Great template but if the clicks on the home will go Overall I like it.

  26. I like it. I successfully used this template. Thank you very much

  27. Dale Bacar says:

    It doesnt work with IE

  28. Asker says:

    @Dale Bacar
    sorry Dale the read more script has some problems in IE.I hope that soon this error will be fixed by somenone.

  29. I have problems when I post a video form youtube, the videoplayer appear on the main page, can you help me?

    this is the problem:

    please help me, i really love this template

  30. Asker says:

    you can expect such features in next themes :-)

  31. Anonymous says:

    Used it here beatifully with a bit more customizing:

  32. construlago says:

    gracias por el theme, si quieres ver como va quedando tu idea con lo que voy agregando:

    I really love this theme, thanks. You can take a look to what im doing over your exelent work, thank you again

  33. Admin says:

    Hola y buen día a todos, la plantila funciona muy bonito en firefox pero en internet Eplorer no se ve tan bien:

    en primer lugar cuando damos click a la imagen nos envia a la imagen en si, más no a la dirección del post. Luego si vamos a ver el post solamente, las imagenes de los marcadores sociales salen en desorden, y algunos otros errores en la página principal con los post que contienen texto. Todos estos problemas en Internet Explorer.

    Peliculas Online y para Descargar

  34. Asker says:

    @Alex sorry :-( the script is not compatible with IE.It works fine on all other browsers.

  35. rizalhit says:

    i really like your templates, and will recommanded this to all my friends.. thanks

  36. Natalie says:

    I am having trouble with the gallery images only linking to the image directly and not to the blog entry. Do you have any suggestions? Blog located at

  37. Asker says:

    sorry Natalie the Javascript is not compatible with InternetExplorer

  38. Fado says:

    I like a lot this template, I am using it on my blog:
    I want to ask you: how can I change the way it shows the thumbnails? some of my images are very distorted. How can I change the size of the thumbnail?
    How Can I choose a part of the image to be shown on the thumbnail?
    Best regards

  39. Asker says:

    find (ctrl+f)the below codes and u can change the width and height of the images

    img_thumb_height = 151;
    img_thumb_width = 217;

  40. Valen says:

    I love this theme, but it does originally not work with IE.
    I have done some fix with the compatibility to IE browser. you may like to see and try it!!!

  41. Asker says:

    Hi valen

    thanks for fixing the bugs.I will add the URL of this fix in this post.


  42. Aimée says:

    Hi Asker,

    I love this template so much! Thanks for creating it. I am having the same issue where both in IE and in Firefox, clicking on the picture pulls up just the image and not the blog post. I am also wondering if there is a way to make the pictures compress properly with a percentage ratio? Something so that they won’t appear distorted and where I won’t have to resize each photo manually.

    Thanks so much!

  43. Asker says:

    hey Aimée

    please check the link below

    if you cannot fix the problem with this tutorial.Leave a comment I will try to fix it.

  44. very good. thanks admin

  45. ausgirlnikki says:

    The template is super fantastic, but ‘portrait’ style images appear distorted when using the Mozilla Fiefox browser. Can this be fixed? Thank you.

  46. taufik says:

    nice templates..ijin download..

  47. Valen says:

    Many Thank Asker!!! Regards,


  48. Selahattin says:

    Hi Asker,
    I applied this lovely template and a have a problem with Chrome and Firefox.
    Items at Navmenu like home , etc, can’t float left in Chrome and firefox. But, In IE that is Ok. Can you help me, please?
    Thanks at advance


  49. Selahattin says:

    Hi Asker,

    I solve the problem by deleting all existing widgets and reload gallery template.

  50. kelly says:

    Great theme :D
    Im just having a small issue whereby i can only seem to get 7 gallery images to appear per page, ideally i’d like at least 9, is there a way to change the number of image boxes displayed on my homepage
    here my blog

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