Blogger Themes / Blogger Templates


Paperwall Blogger Template

Theme Information
Author Blogger Themes
Designer Indeziner
Downloads 6648

29 Responses

  1. Julie says:

    one of the best i’ve seen

  2. Anonymous says:

    read more is not working on my blog.

  3. Asker says:

    wats ur blog url

  4. Se7enTime says:

    Thanks For This Templates.. I Place This Template In My Blog.. I Wait For Your Comment

  5. Welcome says:

    Really cool, good work. I liked the date pins at most.

  6. ct says:

    Hi, very nice template.. how do i make the posting/entry appear in full and not the ‘read more’.. TIA

  7. Asker says:

    Hey ct
    I had modified the theme for you!


  8. ct says:

    Hi, have download it to my blog and i love it!thanks a lot for your help..i really appreciate it..

  9. sara says:

    i have download this template but it seems there’s an error bcoz the ‘older post, ‘home’ and ‘new post’ that suppose to be at the end of the last entry, appear at the right side of the last entry instead..sorry, i’m not really good in explaining it but i really hope you could help bcoz i really like this template and i was hoping to use it in my blog..thanks

  10. Asker says:

    Hey sara please explain clearly .
    I’ll help you.

  11. L. Roberts says:

    Awesome scheme. Like ct, how do you edit it so that the whole post is showing, rather than “read more”??

  12. Asker says:

    if you need a theme without the readmore hack
    Download from it here

  13. sophrena says:

    So nice.. wanted to know how to make the picture on main page more even squared. Thanks!

  14. Asker says:

    if you need to change the photo on the main page
    Just go to Edit HTML>Click on expand widget templates
    Find the lines or similar

    img_thumb_width =557

    change it to your like

  15. Ftnn A says:

    After downloading , what should I do ?

  16. Y e Y says:

    i tried the link without the read more hack but its not working :/

  17. Japanese Doll says:

    Is there a way to make the thumbnail smaller by percentages instead of absolute pixels? My pictures always gets distorted as thumbnails… I think I must’ve removed the read more function and now I am thinking of putting it back. Thanks!

  18. Asker says:

    download and install the theme again.
    it will fix the readmore issue.
    just tell me the size of pic and I’ll modify the theme just for you.

  19. I’ve download this, but the date doesn’t work…
    how can i fix it? thanks!

  20. Asker says:

    Go to settings>Formatting

    Change the DateHeaderFormat as shown velow

    Saturday, 5 May, 2009.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for sharing this design. I downloaded it and everything seems to be working. My question is: Is it possible to edit the buttons at the top that say ‘About’, ‘Contact’ and ‘Portfolio’? Are they pages and can I put in my own stuff? Thanks in advance for any help.

  22. Carly says:

    Is there any way to get the page to load faster? I have noticed when the page is loading, the white background behind the post doesnt expand to the post content right away while the page is loading.

    Here is my blog address:

  23. Carly Hill says:


    I am having issues with layout. I use Firefox as my browser but if you go into Explorer some of the layout is screwy. My header, the comments butto, written by, etc. How can this be fixed?


  24. Asker says:

    hey Cary Hill

    I think that you are using an old version of IE.

  25. Kate says:

    Not sure if you are still checking comments, but I just downloaded this template… it is so cute! My only problem so far is that the time for the time stamp appears at the bottom of the post. So it says, “Posted by Kate at” and then at the bottom, left-hand side of the post it will say, “11:23″ or whatever time it is. Is there a way to fix this?


  26. Well, excuseme my english is very bad, now 20 years that I don´t speak or write. In my blog is not possible wath date, day and the title is very bad, is all the tiem in my post title. Perdón por mi inglés hace muchos años que no lo utiizo. No puedo ver la fecha en my blog, y el título del blog obstaculiza los títulos de los post.
    I can not make more little.
    No puedo minimizarlo desde la cabecera, lo intento pero sigue del mismo tamaño.
    Could you help me, please?
    ¿Podrían ayudarme, por favor?.
    Por favor se lo agradecería que me lo explicara en español, a ser posible.
    Thank You!
    Muchas gracias

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